Announcement re: Communion

For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim Jesus’ life saving death until he comes again.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We invite you to share with us the Lord’s Supper on Sundays, October 1, October 8, October 29 and November 12.

We realize this is more often than normal, but we want to include the sacrament in two special celebrations as well as our usual Second Sunday communion worship.

Sunday, October 1 is World Communion Sunday. We will literally be celebrating the Lord’s Supper together with “people of every race and tongue” all over the world. Sunday, October 29 is Reformation Sunday. Traditionally, our congregation remembers and celebrates the beginning of the Reformation by passing and sharing the bread and cup of eternal salvation.

Also, in both October and November we will continue our new tradition of celebrating communion on the Second Sunday of the Month.

Presbyterian and Reformed Tradition churches are comfortable and free to celebrate communion as often as weekly or as infrequently as quarterly. Most, like our church, normally celebrate the sacrament monthly.

This year we decided to add to our communion celebrations to commemorate the special days and to expose us to different styles of communion leadership as we work toward our next pastor.

The Worship, Music and Arts Committee recommended this schedule, and the Session of the Church approved it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.

Grace and Peace,

Bridge Pastor Steve Nofel

Ruling Elder & Worship, Music and Arts Chairperson John C. McLucas