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Bread for the World Offering of Letters 2020

Hunger and the Coronavirus
The world is living through unprecedented times. The coronavirus is causing anxiety, uncertainty, and disruption. As is often the case, people living in hunger and poverty are likely to suffer the most. Though we may feel powerless and overwhelmed, we are not. Now is the time to heed God’s call to care for the “least among us.” Join us after church, Sunday, September 27, 2020 to write letters to congress for Bread for the World’s Offering of Letters on behalf of those who are hungry. Taylor Brooks, our Tech Support, will put all who are interested together in a chat room. Members of the Peacemaking Committee will be there to help explain this year’s goal, answer questions, and help you find names and addresses of your senators and representatives. Bring a pen and stationary and join us in following Jesus’ request, ‘You give them something to eat.” — Matthew 14:16
Action: Write to Congress
Join as a collective voice to urge Congress to pass legislation that provides nutrition for vulnerable people here and abroad. This sample letter will help you send handwritten letters or personalize emails to your representatives and senators in Congress. The Bread for the World website,, has pages of history, data, and information to help inform you as a writer.
Follow these easy, quick steps for an effective letter:
1. Ask for a specific action, using your own words or this sentence:
    “I urge you to increase funding or reduce global malnutrition and/or
    “I urge you to fund domestic nutrition programs so children can have the food they need to grow and thrive.”
2. Give reasons for your request and make it personal
    * Share a personal reason or story that motivated you to write.
    * Show your own organization’s commitment: “my church is helping by (example). But, I also urge you to pass legislation that provides nutrition
      for the most vulnerable in the U.S. and abroad, especially mothers and children.”
3. Write your name and address at the end of your letter and on the envelope, so your members of Congress know you are one of their constituents.
4. Send your letters to Congress:
     Sen.________________        Rep. _________________________
     U.S. Senate                  U.S. House of Representatives
     Washington, D.C. 20510       Washington, D.C.  20515
   To send a personalized email, visit
5. Report back, by emailing Betty Schroll at, and let us know if you have written letters or emails.
   (Date) Dear Senator______________ , or Dear Representative________________
   I urge you to provide an additional $20 billion toward COVID-19 relief to ensure funding for global food and nutrition programs, emergency global health, flexible humanitarian assistance and urgent economic relief, and development of and access to new vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments.
  The number of people experiencing extreme hunger could nearly double to 265 million as a result of COVID-19, according to the U.N. World Food Program. The coronavirus is potentially catastrophic for the more than 700 million people who live on less than $2 a day. And a severe blow for the millions who can only eat if they earn a wage. Savings have been decimated by lockdowns and a global economic recession. We must collectively act now to address the effects of this global catastrophe.
  I’m glad that Congress dedicated funding for a global response to COVID-19 in previous emergency funding packages. The funding will allow the State Department and USAID to respond to this unprecedented global pandemic, especially in countries with fragile health systems, weak governance, and struggling economies.
  However, more bold U.S. leadership is needed. An increase in international aid through an additional emergency supplemental funding package would help millions of people, especially women and children.
  This is a moment in which Congress can demonstrate American generosity and moral leadership. My faith calls me to have compassion and stand alongside the poor, women, and children around the world.
  I urge you to affirm our nation’s commitment to, and investment in, efforts to respond to the calamity unfolding around the world by providing no less than $20 billion to figth the pandemic overseas in the next response package.
(Your Name)
Your address)
(Your Email)
      Dear Senator___________________, or Dear Representative_________________________
  I urge you to make strong investments in nutrition programs for the most vulnerable in the U.S. and abroad, especially mothers and children.
  Federal nutrition programs help U.S. families lead healthy lives. Congress should increase SNAP benefits to help families cope with the economic downturn that is accompanying efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus.
  I also urge you to support legislation that strengthens U.S. leadership on global nutrition and increases funding for nutrition programs. Too many children globally are malnourished and suffer from stunting. Stunting affects physical and cognitive development.
  My faith calls me to stand alongside women and children around the world. Our government should provide leadership toward a well-nourished world.
(Your Name)
(Your Address)
(Your Email)
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