Food Pantry Update
The word is getting out in our neighborhood that the First & Franklin Presbyterian Church has a pantry.
When we arrive to open on Saturdays, we are now greeted by neighbors who are in need of food. The weekly count of bags has jumped from 3 to 18 and we expect the numbers to rise as government funds end.
In each grocery bag, we pack food for breakfast, peanut butter and jelly (a good source of protein ) for lunch, the makings for a balanced dinner such as beans and rice, pasta and sauce, canned meat, soup, vegetables, and fruit, and a paper good. If there is room left in the bag, we are now adding a little fun food, such as popcorn or cookies, for everyone enjoys a treat.
Thank you to Mark Corser for donating 250 canvas bags which has made the transport of groceries easier. Your generosity has been greatly appreciated by our neighbors. Contributions of shelf-stable foods can be brought to Reid Chapel every Saturday between noon and 2:00 p.m.. If shopping is difficult for you, monetary donations earmarked food pantry may be sent to the church and we will shop for you. Foods we are currently low in are:
- apple sauce,
- canned fruit and dried fruit
- Rice and beans
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Cereal
- canned or dry milk
- Tuna fish and canned meats
- Spaghetti
- Soup
- Canned corn (and other vegetables)
- Popcorn and cookie
How else can you help? We need volunteers to help collect and distribute food every Saturday. Sabrina Schumann is coordinating the volunteers. You may reach her by email at or phone 240-481-6929. You can also help by spreading the word to those you know who are facing food insecurity.
Thank you,
The Peacemaking Committee
August 20, 2020