Per Capita

As a member church in the Presbytery of Baltimore, First & Franklin submits an annual Per Capita fee to the Presbytery of Baltimore. The monies from this fee is split between the Presbytery, the Synod, and the General Assembly, allowing them to provide valuable resources and support for our various church needs. For instance, the Presbytery provides our Pastor Nominating Committee with information and administrative assistance that helps immensely with the Pastor search process. In 2023, First & Franklin will pay the $40 Per Capita fee on behalf of each church member. For this reason, we encourage those who are able to make a designated Per Capita contribution of $40 to help cover the cost of this annual fee. If you feel called to support First & Franklin and the Presbytery of Baltimore in this way, there are two ways to donate:

  1. Donate Online via the buttons below
  2. Send your contribution in an envelope labeled with your name and “Per Capita.” These envelopes can be sent to the church office or placed in the offering plates on Sunday morning.

For more information about Per Capita giving, visit