Rev. Mark Phillips

About Mark

The Rev. Mark Phillips was born and raised in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh. He spent his early years as a member of the Hungarian Reformed Church, where he was baptized and confirmed. From a very early age, Mark sensed a call to ministry and was active in church, school, and youth group activities.

Mark began studying organ in junior high school and continued those studies through college. While in high school and college, Mark served several churches in Pittsburgh, northern Virginia, and Washington, D.C. as organist and choir director.

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A Few Thoughts from Mark

I believe that my greatest gifts are in the areas of preaching, worship planning and leadership, and pastoral care. I believe that God is calling me to a church that understands worship to be at the center of its life and where worship leads to the love of neighbor as self. For me, the hour that is spent in worship each week is the most important hour of the week, and I approach my work from this perspective. I treasure the time spent researching and writing sermons, planning worship, etc.  I strive to make worship relevant so that worshipers may take what they hear and experience on Sunday morning and draw upon it during the week or even much later.

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Rev. Mark and Rachel Walsh sat down for a fun interview on Saturday, January 13, 2024. Watch below!

Watch Rev. Mark's Sermon from January 14, 2024
A Call in the Middle of the Night