August Mini Series

Spire Series August Mini Series Flyer
With all the changes 2020 has presented to us thus far, one of the hardest to accept is our inability to bring you live music in our beautiful space. Instead, , The Spire Series is shifting to bring the music to you! We are kicking off August with a series of four, 30-minute "mini" concerts on each Wednesday of the month at 7 P.M. which will be broadcast over Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. Check out the individual Event posts later this week and mark each Wednesday on your calendar as we bring you some beautiful music to refresh your soul.
There are three options to tune in:
1) Join Zoom Meeting (one-click link):
Meeting ID: 861 1343 9646
(use the chat window to make comments and let us know you have joined us)
To join by landline: Call 301-715-8592, then enter Meeting ID 861 1343 9646
2) Join us on Facebook ( to view. Viewers are invited to use the comment section to mingle and socialize.
3) Join us on YouTube for a recording of the concert:
Once you've tuned in, please also consider donating to the Spire Series so we can continue to bring you quality music that encourages, nourishes, and refreshes your soul!