At First & Franklin, we strive to be an inclusive, diverse congregation devoted to enriching our community through socially engaging and relevant preaching and an inspirational congregational music program, service to others, and fellowship that increases our understanding of one another.

Our mission is to make Baltimore a better community for everyone, and we welcome anyone who comes through our doors.

Sundays at First & Franklin

Adult Education & Multi-Age Sunday School
on break until fall.

10:30a - In-Person Worship Service (Sanctuary)

For the weekly bulletin and streaming links, click the button above.

For the weekly bulletin and streaming links, click the button above.



If you've missed a Sunday in the series, click on the photo above to access previous sermons.


First & Franklin Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) welcomes everyone to worship with us, regardless of color, background, gender expression, gender identity, or sexual orientation. A member of the More Light Presbyterians since 1980, our congregation is committed to inclusivity and full participation in the Church for all individuals, including service and the clergy.


We believe that the affirmation of one's unique self is scripturally based and a natural outflow of God's perfect creation and love. Here at First & Franklin, you are welcome, you are seen, and you are loved just the way God made you.


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Morning Prayer 082720

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Joint Service of Worship with In The Loop Churches and Invitation to Read Scripture | September 13

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Morning Prayer 082620

A daily opportunity for community prayer, scripture reading, and meditation. You are invited to join us at 7 a.m. from Tuesday through Friday for a virtual Zoom meeting (please see…

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Morning Prayers 082520

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Food Pantry Update

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